
  1. 每天付 3 金币
  2. 每次付的金币呈指数级增长,但通知付款频率呈指数级下降
    • 第1天:付 1
    • 第2天:付 2 (累计 3)
    • 第4天:付 4 (累积 7)
    • 第8天:付 8 (累积 15)

哪种付的钱比较少? 第二种比较划算,本质上等同于每天付 2,就是amortized constant

A more rigorous examination of amortized analysis is done here, in three steps:

  1. Pick a cost model (like in regular runtime analysis)
  2. Compute the average cost of the i’th operation
  3. Show that this average (amortized) cost is bounded by a constant.

类似的应用在Array list 扩容中提到的 geometric resizing 方法(实际也是Python list 使用的方法)有体现, 所以使用一个因数来扩容数组, 可以让 ArrayList 的 add操作变为 amortized constant time.


  • Amortized analysis provides a way to prove the average cost of operations.
  • If we chose $a_i$ such that $\Phi_i$ is never negative and $a_i$ is constant for all $i$, then the amortized cost is an upper bound on the true cost. – from: https://joshhug.gitbooks.io/