2020, ACL

data: CoNLL-2012, GAP

task: Coreference Resolution

通过QA方式处理coreference问题,A query is generated for each candidate mention using its surrounding con- text, and a span prediction module is em- ployed to extract the text spans of the corefer- ences within the document using the generated query.

近期的方法有consider all text spans in a document as potential mentions and learn to find an antecedent for each possible mention. There。这种仅依靠mention的做对比的方法的缺点:

  1. At the task formalization level: 因为当前数据集有很多遗漏的mention, mentions left out at the mention proposal stage can never be recov- ered since the downstream module only operates on the proposed mentions.
  2. At the algorithm level:Semantic matching operations be- tween two mentions (and their contexts) are per- formed only at the output layer and are relatively superficial


Speaker information: directly concatenates the speaker’s name with the corresponding utterance.



3.3 Mention Proposal

considers all spans up to a maximum length L as potential mentions.

3.4 Mention Linking as Span Prediction

Given a mention ei proposed by the mention pro- posal network

{context (X), query (q), answers (a)}.

The query q(ei) is constructed as follows: given ei, we use the sentence that ei resides in as the query, with the minor modification that we encapsulates ei with special tokens < mention > < /mention >

generate a BIO tag for each token of a coreferent mention


to optimize the bi-directional re- lation between ei and ej.



3.5 Antecedent Pruning


The mention proposal module and the mention linking module are jointly trained in an end-to-end fashion using training signals from Eq.6, with the SpanBERT parameters shared.

3.8 Data Augmentation using Question Answering Datasets

pre- train the mention linking network on the Quoref dataset (Dasigi et al., 2019b), and the SQuAD dataset (Rajpurkar et al., 2016b)

