Entity Linking

  • Knowledge Graph (知识图谱):一种语义网络,旨在描述客观世界的概念实体及其之间的关系,有时也称为Knowledge Base (知识库)。
    • 图谱由三元组构成:<实体1,关系,实体2> 或者 <实体,属性,属性值>
    • 例如:<姚明,plays-in,NBA><姚明,身高,2.29m>
    • 常见的KB有:Wikidata、DBpedia、YAGO。
  • Entity 实体:实体是知识图谱的基本单元,也是文本中承载信息的重要语言单位。
  • Mention 提及:自然文本中表达实体的语言片段。


  1. Question Answering:EL是KBQA的刚需,linking到实体之后才能查询图数据库;
  2. Content Analysis:舆情分析、内容推荐、阅读增强;
  3. Information Retrieval:基于语义实体的搜索引擎,google搜索一些实体,右侧会出现wikipedia页面;
  4. Knowledge Base population:扩充知识库,更新实体和关系。


Entity linking system consists of two components:

  1. candidate entity generation:从mention出发,找到KB中所有可能的实体,组成候选实体集 (candidate entities);
  2. Entity Disambiguation:从candidate entities中,选择最可能的实体作为预测实体。

Entity Disambiguation (ED)


  • Features
    • Context-Independent Features:
      • LinkCount:#(m->e),知识库中某个提及m指向实体e的次数;
      • Entity Attributes:Popularity、Type;
    • Context-Dependent Features:
      • Textual Context:BOW, Concept Vector
      • Coherence Between Entities:WLM、PMI、Jaccard Distance

Context-Independent Features


  • LinkCount作为一个先验知识,在消歧时,往往很有用

Context-Dependent Features


  • Learning to Rank Methods:Point-wise、Pair-wise、List-wise。由于ED任务ground truth只有一个实体,一般都是用point-wise来做。输入是文本的context、mention、某个entity的一些attributes,输出mention指向该entity的置信度,以此rank,选出最可信的entity;
  • Probabilistic Methods:Incorporate heterogeneous knowledge into a probabilistic model。结合不同信息,得到条件概率  $P(e|m,c)$,其中 c 是输入文本,e 为实体, m 是mention。比如用归一化的LinkCount信息,作为先验概率 $P(e|m)$ ;
  • Graph-Based Approaches:maximize coherene between entities。利用图特征 (entity embedding、relation),在消歧时,考虑全局消歧后实体的一致性;

Deep Type

Discovering Types for Entity Disambiguation

High-level overview

Our system uses the following steps:

  1. Extract every Wikipedia-internal link to determine, for each word, the set of conceivable entities it can refer to. For example, when encountering the link [jaguar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar) in a Wikipedia page, we conclude that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar is one of the meanings of jaguar.

  2. Walk the Wikipedia category tree (using the Wikidata knowledge graph) to determine, for each entity, the set of categories it belongs to. For example, at the bottom of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_Cars’s Wikipedia page, are the following categories (which themselves have their own categories, such as Automobiles):


  3. Pick a list of ~100 categories to be your “type” system, and optimize over this choice of categories so that they compactly express any entity. We know the mapping of entities to categories, so given a type system, we can represent each entity as a ~100-dimensional binary vector indicating membership in each category.

  4. Using every Wikipedia-internal link and its surrounding context, produce training data mapping a word plus context to the ~100-dimensional binary representation of the corresponding entity, and train a neural network to predict this mapping. This chains together the previous steps: Wikipedia links map a word to an entity, we know the categories for each entity from step 2, and step 3 picked the categories in our type system.

  5. At test time, given a word and surrounding context, our neural network’s output can be interpreted as the probability that the word belongs to each category. If we knew the exact set of category memberships, we would narrow down to one entity (assuming well-chosen categories). But instead, we must play a probabilistic 20 questions: use Bayes’ theorem to calculate the chance of the word disambiguating to each of its possible entities.

Unlinkable Mention Prediction 拒识掉未知实体

  • NIL Threshold:通过一个置信度的阈值来卡一下;
  • Binary Classification:训练一个二分类的模型,判断Top-rankeded Entity是否真的是文中的mention想要表达的实体;
  • Rank with NIL:在rank的时候,在候选实体中加入NIL Entity。

一般就阈值卡一下就好了,不是太大的问题。但如果具体的场景是做KB Population且实体还不是很全的时候,就需要重点关注一下了。

Candidate Entity Generation (CEG)


  • 最重要的方法:Name Dictionary ( {mention: entity} )
  • 哪些别名:首字母缩写、模糊匹配、昵称、拼写错误等。
  • 构建方法:
    • Wikipedia(Redirect pages, Disambiguation pages, Hyperlinks);
    • 基于搜索引擎:调google api,搜mention。若前m个有wiki entity,建立map;
    • Heuristic Methods;
    • 人工标注、用户日志。

对于每一个entity,紧凑而充分地配置别名,才能保证生成的candidate entites没有遗漏掉ground truth entity。

具体的,要配置哪些别名,要用什么构建方法,往往取决于EL的使用场景。比如做百科问答或是通用文本的阅读增强,就很依赖于wikipedia和搜索引擎;但如果是某个具体的行业领域,就需要通过一些启发式的方法、用户日志、网页爬取,甚至人工标注的方法来构建Name Dictionary。
