CorefQA - Coreference resolution as query-based span prediction

2020, ACL data: CoNLL-2012, GAP task: Coreference Resolution 通过QA方式处理coreference问题,A query is generated for each candidate mention using its surrounding con- text, and a span prediction module is em- ployed to extract the text spans of the corefer- ences within the document using the generated query. 近期的方法有consider all text spans in a document as potential mentions and learn to find an antecedent for each possible mention. There。这种仅依靠mention的做对比的方法的缺点: At the task formalization level: 因为当前数据集有很多遗漏的mention, mentions left out at the mention proposal stage can never be recov- ered since the downstream module only operates on the proposed mentions....

2021-05-11 · 2 min · Cong Chan