Inf Course Note - Accelerated Natural Language Processing

爱丁堡大学信息学院课程笔记 Accelerated Natural Language Processing, Informatics, University of Edinburgh References: Accelerated natural language processing ANLP revision guide Lecture Slides from the Stanford Coursera course Natural Language Processing, by Dan Jurafsky and Christopher Manning 概率模型 Probability Model 概率模型是随机现象的数学表示,由样本空间,样本空间内的事件以及与每个事件相关的概率定义。目标是模拟给一个事件发生的概率 估算概率(Probability Estimation)一般使用最大似然估计(MLE,相关频率):$$p(x_i) = \frac{Count(x_i)}{\sum_{i=0}^nCount(x_i)}$$ 平滑Smoothing 一般用于处理0概率的问题,比如在训练集中看不到, 但出现在测试集中的词。 Language modeling To compute the probability of sentence /sequence of words $P(w_1, w_2, w_3…)$, or to predict upcomming words $P(w|w_1, w_2, w_3…)$… a language model is also a probability model....

31 min · Cong Chan

Inf Course Note - Natural Language Understanding

爱丁堡大学信息学院课程笔记 Natural Language Understanding, Informatics, University of Edinburgh References: Natural language understanding CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning Lecture Slides from the Stanford Coursera course Natural Language Processing, by Dan Jurafsky and Christopher Manning Meaning representations 意思的表达有很多方法。一种有效的表示单词的含义的方法是 distributional semantic. Semantics (from Ancient Greek: σημαντικός sēmantikos, “significant”) is the linguistic and philosophical study of meaning, in language, programming languages, formal logics, and semiotics. 语义学 Semantics 在语言学中的研究目的在于找出语义表达的规律性、内在解释、不同语言在语义表达方面的个性以及共性;与计算机科学相关的语义学研究在于机器对自然语言的理解。 Tradition solution of usable meaning in a computer: Use e....

28 min · Cong Chan

Inf Course Note - Parallel Programming Language and Systems

爱丁堡大学信息学院课程笔记 Parallel Programming Language and Systems, Informatics, University of Edinburgh Reference: CMU 15213: Introduction to Computer Systems (ICS) Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective A Comprehensive MPI Tutorial Resource A chapter on MPI from Ian Foster’s online Book Designing and Building Parallel Programs Introduction to parallel computer architecture Covering some of the nasty issues presented by the shared memory model, including weak consistency models and false sharing in the cache, and some architectural issues for the multicomputer model....

63 min · Cong Chan

Inf Course Note - Software Architecture, Process, and Management

爱丁堡大学信息学院课程笔记 Software Architecture, Process, and Management, Informatics, University of Edinburgh Reference: microsoft IBM Software Architecture in Practice (3rd edition), Bass, Clements, and Kazman What is Software Architecture? Software architecture is often described as the organization or structure of a system, where the system represents a collection of components that accomplish a specific function or set of functions. grouping components into areas of concern (layers): For example, the UI, business processing, and data access....

45 min · Cong Chan

Inf Course Note - Software Testing

爱丁堡大学信息学院课程笔记 Software Testing, Informatics, University of Edinburgh Reference: Pezze and Young, Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles and Techniques, Wiley, 2007. Why Software Testing? 1, 软件的漏洞, 错误和失效 Software Faults, Errors & Failures The problem start with Faults, Fault(BUG): latent error, mistakes in programming. e.g add(x, y) = x * y. With the Faults in programs, if and only if executing add(x, y) = x * y, the fault being activated, and generate an Errors....

49 min · Cong Chan