A Better Practice to Define Reward Model with HuggingFace's transformers

Cong Chen University of Edinburgh There are various implementation of reward modeling in RLHF(reinforcement learning with human feedback), each has different pros and cons. Inspired by some open-sourced works about reward modeling, I would like to share one of the best practice for reward modeling. For those who are not familiar with reward modeling and RLHF, I recommend take a look at the Huggingface rlhf blog1 or OpenAI rlhf paper2....

2023-03-25 · 7 min · Cong Chan

Paper Reading - Let’s Verify Step by Step

TLDR In order to train more dependable models, there are two known options: outcome supervision, which gives feedback on the final result, and process supervision, which provides feedback on each intermediate reasoning step. This papers provides two finding: The use of process supervision yields significantly better results than outcome supervision when training models to solve problems from the challenging MATH dataset. The efficacy of process supervision is significantly improved by active learning....

2023-06-18 · 9 min · Cong